In this part of the thesis, we are going to deepen the discussion of the cyber-warfare
Cyber-Warfare is an activity which use computer hackers to hit the computer network half, it is a form warfare. It refers to politically motivated hacking, to conduct sabotage and espionage. Cyber-Warfare attacks can disable official websites and whole networks, destroy essential services, steal or alter classified data. The most effective protection against cyber-warfare attacks is securing the security of information and networks.
Cyberwarfare involves the use and targeting of computers and networks in warfare, where both offensive and defensive operations pertaining to the threat of cyberattacks, espionage and sabotage.
Cyberwarfare has been defined as "actions by a nation to penetrate another nation's computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or disruption", but other definitions also include non-state actors, such as terrorist groups, companies, political or ideological extremist groups, hacktivists, and transnational criminal organizations.
Some governments have made it an integral part of their overall military strategy, with some having invested heavily in cyber-warfare capability.
This capability uses a set of penetration method testing methodologies and applies them, in the case of United States doctrine, in a strategical way to:
- Prevent cyber attacks against critical infrastructure;
- Reduce national vulnerability to cyber attacks;
- Minimize damage and recovery time from cyber attacks;
- Cyberattacks-->where immediate damage or destroy data or network.
- Cyber espionage--> which can provide the information needed to make a successful cyberattack or scandal to launch an information warfare, traditional espionage is not an act of war.